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This Website is intended to provide general information. Laboratoires INGRID MILLET will not be held responsible for actions initiated on the basis of this Website. The use of the Website and the downloading of data are subject to the user's personal liability. 

Laboratoires Ingrid Millet will not assume any responsibility for damage occurring, particularly in relation to data sets or the user's hardware or software.


Data protection 

In accordance with the French "Data Protection" act 78-17 dated January 06, 1978 and No. 2004-801 dated August 06, 2004, any person having left their contact or other defining information on the site has the right to access, rectify, add to or remove defining data concerning him/her at the following address: Laboratoires INGRID MILLET, Service Consommateurs, 54, rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré - 75008 PARIS - FRANCE or by email:

Laboratoires INGRID MILLET reserves the right to modify, terminate, suspend or interrupt at any time, for any reason and at its sole discretion, access to all or any part of the site, including notably the content, functions and availability, without prior notice and cannot be held liable for any consequences due to these modifications.